Fen Sidhe

Shrinewarden of Menphina


Fen Sidhe is a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te thats been rumored to be "cursed" to guard an ancient shrine built around a powerful artifact, deep in the marshes of the Southern Shroud. She's said to kill anyone who gets near, which on top of what the Twin Adder consider "poaching" (what else is she to eat?!) she's recommended kill-on-sight (or be killed).Despite her remote location, people still become enticed by the rumors and find their way out to her, never to return. Not many, but enough have gone missing to garner her a bounty, which with the addition of potential valuables and artifacts on site, (along with implications of her beauty and grace), makes her a very tempting target indeed.Though there are still some that happen upon her territory by mistake.

  • NAME: Fen Sidhe

  • RACE: Miqo'te; Keeper of the Moon

  • PRONOUNS: She/Her


  • AGE: Mid 30's

  • BIRTH DATE: Third Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon

  • DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Back ritual markings about the eyes


  • BUILD: Short, Fit, Lean

  • HEIGHT: 5 fulms, 3 ilms

  • EYE COLOR: Pale Bluish-Green

  • BIRTHPLACE: The Black Shroud

Willowy and lithe, this woman seems to be incapable of performing even the most mundane of movements without a purposeful touch of graceful finesse. Her small frame puts her on the lowest of the low end of average height for a Miqo’te woman. Her eclectic, lightweight leather armor displays clear lines and curves of corded, fit sinew, her build powerful and compact like a feral coeurl; most noticeably possessing the kind of brawny legs that belong to a habitual runner, and a guessable notion of years spent perfecting silent footfalls to give her a peculiar sway to each step. A pace that can draw the eye to distraction. Discounting her calloused hands and feet, along a body painted all over with intricate, pastel floral and lunar tattoos, her nearly unblemished, ashen-blue skin makes for a memorable--but subtle, easily overlooked--figure. Her clear features and a calm mien, coupled with the obvious physical fitness, speaks more toward passivity and self improvement than it should one of a combative nature, inspiring a sort of sense of security in her presence.Indeed, her typical manner supports this idea: while quiet and tending more to keep to herself, she’s nevertheless mostly easygoing and amiable, with seemingly no shortage of patient expressions--though her resting 'come hither' stare, flat speech and deadpan affectations undermine most attempts at snark, sarcasm, and flirtations; instead suggesting genuine, naive observations. Still, she is never unkind unless provoked, however, her manner is still able--and not incapable of--swinging from total apathy at best to explosively tempestuous at worst. For all that she is capable of reaching, rarely is she drawn to either extreme unless subjected to intense duress.Dark blue with aqua highlights, her impressively long, wild hair is messily twined together in a high tail at the back of her skull, braids surrounding her head below her long, fluffy ears. The woman is constantly brushing loose strands back to ensure her vision is unimpeded. Her dark, feathery brows sweep elegantly but naturally up, and combined with a starkly sharp jawline lend her resting expression a sort of smarmy, but uneven look more often than not despite her overall winsome countenance.Nonetheless, buried beneath a carefree facade, here and there her martial prowess manifests in certain gestures, movements, postures, and reactions–habits and behavior carried out by those more usually versed and stepped in the ways of combat and battle.


A wild, feral woman. Driven to extremes by the hunt, and being the hunted. Haunted by the horrors of the past. She knows of no luxuries, and is driven by duty, guilt, loss, and anger. Tragic and malevolent, but a lonesome figure. A terrible foe? A stalwart friend?
Nevertheless, an intense encounter awaits.

Hooks and Scenarios available for types ranging from sellswords to relic seekers, scholars and crusaders, good or evil motivated alike. Happenstance and serendipitous meetings can be arranged(ironically) as well.There is potential for bounty hunters; crusaders out to vanquish an "evil"; archeologists, thieves, grave robbers, and relic hunters; lost or injured souls in need of rescue and more...Have a reason to be in Southern Black Shroud? You have a reason to come across or be approached by Fen!

Out of Character

  • In high traffic areas, I don't often watch public chats, so if I miss something, please message me.

  • If I'm on Fen and flagged for RP I'm very likely "networking" looking for contact/interest (kinda hard to get walk-ups in The Shroud!).

  • If I'm in an "RP area" but not flagged: I may just be people-watching in queue, but always feel free to message me.

  • I use mods for appearances(upscales/details), but they aren't at all necessary to roleplay with me.

  • Mare code available upon request, if we are going to RP.

  • As Fen tends to deal in 'adult'/mature themes, I respectfully request that my RP partners to be 21+ please.

  • Friend list and Discord reserved for friends, thank you for understanding.

  • I'm presently looking for recurring interactions to build off of for long term character connections.

  • I'm open to most themes, but I strongly prefer a gradual approach to story.

  • Fen has a /c/ profile I use for reference/comparisons.

  • If you are into Ageplay, Noncon, Incest, Zoophilia or the like: don't approach me, thank you.


A tiny grove surrounding a supposedly abandoned shrine to Menphina, deep in the marsh of the Southern Black Shroud.A place almost no one travels, guarded for countless years by a small, insular tribe of Keepers of the Moon. An offshoot of the Vashai clan.It stands empty, but whispers of nearby Keeper clans tell it still shows some signs of inhabitance. In tales it's said to be haunted by the specter of the one that drove away or slaughtered--depending on who you ask--the small tribe that once lived there not long ago. It's said, in these stories, this lost soul guards the shrine--and a rumored holy artifact within, with fatal intensity. A palpable aura of menace weaves through the crowded cypress stands and hanging mosses, warning away any that might stray near.The Twin Adders has a small posted bounty on a "poacher" that's wanted also for questioning in several disappearances in area, for a miqo'te bearing more than a passing resemblance to Fen.